Indoor air pollution has become a fundamental global public health problem requiring an increasing number of advanced research and policymaking. Even at low concentration, the presence of indoor pollutants has many adverse impacts. Older adults are likely to spend ≥80–90% of their time indoors. Thus, the indoor pollutants may have more significance for the adults because of a comparatively long exposure period.

Sadly, indoor air is ten times more contaminated than outdoor air. Germs, lint, smoke, dust mites, and household chemicals collectively make it more dangerous, especially for adults and kids who spend most of their time in the home.

Possible signs of Air trouble:

The following symptoms require your immediate attention.
- When air is stuffy, or an unusual noticeable odor is sensed.
- Limited air movement or broken air conditioning or central heating system.
- Too much humidity
- Presence of molds and mildew
- Chimneys or flue pipes getting damaged
- Feeling healthier and better outside

Major indoor air hazards;

Formaldehyde, particulates, lead, pesticides, and remodeling hazards are the rare indoor pollutants.

The most common air pollutants include:
Carbon monoxide: 
CO is a colorless contaminant which is primarily released from heaters, appliances, and stoves. It is an odorless gas yet blocks the movement of oxygen and cause tiredness, nausea, dizziness, and headache.

Nitrogen dioxide: 
A product of kerosene combustion and natural gas. The excess of NO2 aggravates the mucous membrane of nose eye and throat and in high concentration can lead to shortness of breath.

A radioactive gas that oozes from the rocks and soils under a home. Radon can enter a home through walls or drains. Long term exposure to radon is the prime cause of lung cancers nowadays.

A cigarette contains almost 4000 chemicals in traces; out of these, 200 are the poisonous and 43 carcinogens.

Tips To enjoy Stress-free summer and spring:

Seniors have typically weak immune system, and they may already suffer from a lung or health-related issues that make them more vulnerable to the indoor pollutants. If you are an older adult or have someone in your home, follow these tips to make the air healthier to breathe.

- Keep your windows open for at least an hour to bring the fresh air in.
- Never buy more than you need of a product that can trigger indoor pollution, especially pesticides and cleaning solvents.
- Always buy a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
- Regularly change the furnace filters as recommended by your HVAC technician.
- Clean carpets, upholstery, and draperies in the fall or once per year.
- Never forget cleaning ceiling fans and exhaust fans of your bathroom and kitchen in every fall.
- Always prioritize wood floors or tiles to the carpets.
- Heating ducts and dryer vents need to be cleaned every year.
- Keep a close eye on humidity and improve ventilation.
- Consider investing some bucks in the right equipment that can potentially eliminate the majority of irritants.
- Make sure there is no leakage of water from pipes or walls that may lead to the development of molds.

What specific ways do you use to ensure that your indoor remains a safe and healthy place for the elderly? 

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